Understanding the Fundamentals
A bug is a defect in the software causing it to produce incorrect or unexpected results, or to behave in unintended ways. In contrast, a feature request is a suggestion to improve or expand the software's functionality. While these definitions seem straightforward, distinguishing between them can be subjective.
The real focus should be on the actual impact on the customer rather than the classification. Prioritizing fixes requires a benefit/cost/risk analysis, irrespective of whether an issue is a bug or a feature request.
Workarounds: A Temporary Solution
Workarounds are temporary methods to overcome problems or limitations within a system. They are crucial for mitigating impacts and unblocking use cases without the need for immediate engineering resources. Implementing workarounds can keep customers moving forward and reduce frustration while awaiting a permanent fix.
Gauging Customer Impact
The first step when a gap is identified between what a customer wants to do and what is possible is to thoroughly understand the impact on the affected customers. This involves asking the right questions:
● What is the customer trying to accomplish?
● Why is this important to the customer?
● What is the expected behaviour?
● What is the actual behaviour?
● What alternative approaches (workarounds) exist?
● How effective are these workarounds?
Documenting and understanding these answers improves internal decision-making and ensures that customer needs are prioritized appropriately.
Building a Compelling Business Case
As a CSM, your goal is to help the product team prioritize the backlog by understanding the depth of impact on individual customers and the breadth of impact across the customer base. Key questions to define company impact include: